Day 1 Complete

Team Flamingo has completed Day 1. Great weather. While there were a number of hills, it wasn't too bad. We rode in two flocks today. I rode with the Michigan contingent from Tent City. We stayed there so we could watch the Bare Naked Ladies concert. The rest of the flock stayed a a house 9 mi. Out of town. We didn't see them all day.
We met up again at the Eubank's house. Great people and great house. Thank You!

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1 comment:

Reagan Eubank said...

I was thinking when I got to work this morning I should have asked for contact info or something from you guys so I could see how it all worked out. Got to LOVE google =) It was great to have you. Team Flamingo is welcome to bunk back at the Eubank house anytime. Good luck on the rest of your ride!