I am always amazed by the variety of people who ride RAGBRAI.  I found a Register posting about Who is Riding RAGBRAI in 2014. 

Here are some of the specifics:
62% are Men and 38% are Women
Majority of riders are between 50-59 years old

Riders' Ages
Under 19       4.5%
20 - 29          7.6%
30 - 39         10.3%
40 - 49         14.8%
50 - 59         25.3%
60 - 69         14.3%
70 - 79           2.9%
Over 80          0.2%      

It would interesting to know the professions of the RAGBRAI riders.  Maybe next year.

Did you have a good ride in 2014?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lots of good facts! I read a couple different blogs on http://www.braceability.com/blog/ - they wrote one about 10 interesting RAGBRAI facts: http://www.braceability.com/blog/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-ragbrai/ they were very interesting! It is a huge event.